Crossing The Chasm

Crossing The Chasm

Geoffrey Moore, 2014

In Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore shows that in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle--which begins with innovators and moves to early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards--there is a vast chasm between the early adopters and the early majority

Tags: Product , Marketing , Startup



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Chasm crossing is not the end, but rather the beginning, of mainstream market development.

the key to getting beyond the enthusiasts and winning over a visionary is to show that the new technology enables some strategic leap forward, something never before possible, which has an intrinsic value and appeal to the nontechnologist.

You simply cannot spend your way into the hearts and minds of technology enthusiasts and visionaries.

Make something 10 people completely love, not something most people think is pretty good.

Positioning is the single largest influence on the buying decision.

Entering the mainstream market is an act of burglary, of breaking and entering, of deception, often even of stealth.

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